Our Values

  1. Facts Matter

    – All content should be interesting, relevant, useful, and most importantly, TRUE. Our network is comprised of real experts within their respective fields. They know what they’re talking about, and they always provide legitimate sources within their work.

  2. Readability Matters

    – Just because something is written by experts doesn’t mean anyone will want to read what they say. Our publishers have content-hungry audiences to feed. And our creators know how to make tasty treats people will pig out on.

  3. Help Before Sell

    – “Content Marketing” has emerged as a powerful means of spreading a commercial message from companies and brands. But we live by a code which respects people over profit. As network facilitators, we understand our responsibility to ensure that publishers are only supplied content which will genuinely help and make their audience enjoy, while still allowing creators to communicate and achieve their objectives.

  4. Love the Reader

    – As content consumers ourselves, we recognize that we are often the end-users of the networks we service. And we love ourselves; we want the best for ourselves. That’s why we require a deep love and appreciation for the reader at all nodes of our network. From content publisher to content creator — our network is for those who remember who they ‘work’ for.